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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2024
Contact: Alessandra Magnasco, CFCA, Governmental Affairs & Regulatory Director
Telephone: (916) 646-5999

Small Businesses Unite at Press Conference to Oppose Governor Newsom’s Proposal that will Exacerbate Fuel Prices

The California Fuels and Convenience Alliance, representing the small-family-owned businesses at the end of the fuel supply chain, will hold a press conference to voice their collective concerns with ABX2-1.

Last week, under the demand of Governor Newsom, the California State Assembly began their special session on fuel and energy costs, discussing ABX2-1 (formerly known as SB 950). This bill under review will give the California Energy Commission (CEC) more authority to impose new mandates for oil storage requirements on oil refineries in California.

The press conference will be held on Thursday, September 26th, at 9:30 AM in the Rose Garden of the California State Capitol, on the East side of the park. CFCA will be joined by several small and ethnic business organizations, seniors, veterans and prominent community leaders.

"We acknowledge the commitment to safeguarding the state’s fuel supply against potential disruptions,” stated Elizabeth Graham, CEO of CFCA. “We believe its implementation could lead to significant unintended consequences that would destabilize the fuel market, impose undue financial burdens on consumers and small business owners, exacerbate existing infrastructure and regulatory challenges, and jeopardize drivers in the Golden State and our neighboring states.”

ABX2-1 was heard in the special session on Wednesday and Thursday of last week and is headed to the California State Assembly Policy Committee for discussion this Thursday. CFCA member Tom Robinson, Robinson Oil Corporation, testified in Wednesday’s session and stated that the state cannot afford to limit the amount of fuel available to consumers, which will only make the situation worse, raising prices and causing shortages.

CFCA is calling upon legislators to work with the association and its members, other job creators and California stakeholders on alternatives that can promote greater stability in California’s fuels market without adding more costs that are ultimately shouldered by consumers at the pump.


About CFCA
CFCA is the industry's statewide trade association representing the needs of small and minority wholesale and retail marketers of gasoline, diesel, lubricating oils, motor fuels products, and alternative fuels, including but not limited to, hydrogen, compressed natural gas, ethanol, renewable and biodiesel, and electric charging stations; transporters of those products; and retail convenience store operators. CFCA’s members serve California’s families, agriculture, police and fire, cities, construction, and all consumer goods moved by the delivery and transportation industries.

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