DATC Keynote Speaker

Session Description:
Fight back against California’s (CA) misguided energy policies! CA policymakers have a virtuous goal: cut air pollution and CO2 emissions. There’s only one problem: they’re failing. Their policies are hurting both people and the environment—especially people with lower incomes. There’s a better way forward—one that helps both people and the environment. We can keep energy affordable and reliable while decreasing air pollution and CO2 emissions. We just need to reject failed policies and support better ones: Repeal the zero-emission vehicle mandates while incentivizing lower-emission vehicles. Defeat the so-called “price-gouging penalty” while lowering fuel costs for consumers and businesses. End subsidies for wind, solar, and electric vehicles, and let the best technologies win in the open marketplace. Cut foreign oil and gas imports while increasing domestic production. Extend the operation of existing nuclear power plants, and reform regulations to allow new zero-emission small-scale plants. You have a voice! Arm yourself with the facts and help reshape CA’s energy future.
Brian spent over two decades building companies in the CA clean energy industry—first as executive director of a green building trade association, then as CEO of a consulting firm specializing in clean energy. More recently he founded UtilityScore, a software startup that estimated utility costs and savings for 100M+ homes, and he led business development at a hard tech company developing wireless power. He now writes and speaks about the need for energy that’s clean, reliable, and affordable.