Tell your story as a
This September 3-5, 2024, the Pacific Fuels and Convenience Summit (PFCS) is an engaging and comprehensive 3-day event offering you multiple ways to network with others as fuel marketers, gas stations, or even convenience store operators. At PFCS you'll have access to exclusive education sessions led by business professionals who understand the challenges you face, along with the opportunity to meet with vendors who offer the products and services you need to make you a leader among your peers.
With over 1400 attendees annually, opportunities for brand meetings, and hospitalities throughout, PFCS is California's largest collaborative working environment with business-strengthening benefits for the petroleum and convenience store industries.
*Please note that our ed session schedule is subject to change.
View event details and ed session schedule here.
6:00PM - 8:00PM PowerFUEL Women's Network Mixology Event
8:00AM - 5:00PM Registration
11:30AM - 12:30PM CFCA Annual Meeting
1:00PM - 3:45PM Education Sessions
3:45PM - 4:30PM Local Chapters Launch Party
5:30PM - 6:45PM Welcome Reception
7:00PM - 9:00PM Casino Night
8:00PM - 10:00PM Hospitalities
8:00AM - 5:00PM Registration
8:00AM - 9:00AM Inspirational Prayer Breakfast
8:00AM - 10:00AM Breakfast
9:00AM - 10:50AM Education Sessions
9:00AM - 4:00PM Open Session with CARB Staff
11:00AM - 5:00PM Trade Show & Beer Garden
12:00PM - 1:00PM Lunch
1:00PM - 10:00PM Hospitalities
2:00PM - 5:00PM Brand Meetings
4:00PM - 5:00PM General Chair & Past President's Reception
5:00PM - 6:30PM Tankers+Tacos
8:00AM - 12:00PM Registration
8:00AM - 10:00AM Breakfast
9:00AM - 10:00AM Keynote Session
10:00AM - 1:00PM Trade Show & Beer Garden
11:00AM - 12:00PM CFCAPAC Reception
12:00PM - 1:00PM Lunch
4:00PM - 5:00PM Happy Hour with Maniaci *Event offsite
5:00PM - 7:00PM Bowling *Event offsite
CFCA Member price: $359
- 2 Breakfasts & Lunches
- Networking Events: Welcome Reception, Tankers + Tacos
- Ed Sessions
- Trade Show & Keynote Speaker
CFCA Annual Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 3
Early Bird Price (Non-CFCA Members): $479
(Price increases after August 1)
- 2 Breakfasts & Lunches
- Networking Events: Welcome Reception, Tankers + Tacos
- Ed Sessions
- Trade Show & Keynote Speaker
Single Day Price: $249
Registration will give attendees access to all events occurring on that one day of PFCS
Admission to networking opportunities and a keynote session
Access to industry expert reports and updates through 1 hour informational educational sessions
Access to brand meetings with top names in the industry
Light breakfast and lunch on Day 2 and Day 3, along with a variety of delicious treats at our networking events
Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego
1 Market Place
San Diego, CA 92101, USA
Book Your Stay!
Reserve your room here or call 1-877-968-9784
Use group code PFCS to take advantage of our discounted room rate of $259. (This code expires August 9, 2024)
Check in time is 4pm and check out time is 11am.
*View the hotel map here
CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: Cancellation requests for attendee registration fees must be received in writing no later than August 1 of the conference year to receive a refund. All refunds will be subject to a 25% cancellation fee, which will be deducted from all refund checks. Refunds will be processed within six weeks from the close of the event. Exhibitors may refer to their PFCS Exhibitor Booth Contract for their cancellation and refund policy.
NO SUITCASING: Suitcasing refers to those companies or persons who go to shows as attendees but “work the aisles,” soliciting business from other attendees and exhibitors. Any attendee who is not affiliated with the conference as either a sponsor or exhibitor and is observed to be soliciting business in the aisles, other public spaces, or another company’s booth, will be asked to leave immediately. Public spaces include hotel guest rooms, hospitality suites, PFCS networking event venues, restaurants, or any other public places of assembly. Attendees and non-exhibiting persons are not permitted to have inventions or products on the show floor at any time. This includes prototypes and any documentation for distribution purposes. This applies to anyone who is not a paid exhibitor.
NO LIABILITY: Show management is NOT responsible for injuries, property damage or loss of any kind, or for any other incidents, directly or indirectly connected with attending the show. Attendees assume all business and personal risk before, during, and after the show.
SOLE DISCRETION: Show management shall have sole discretion over admission at all times and shall strictly enforce all show rules. Attendees agree to abide by these attendance rules, as well as all other rules applicable to their badge type, which may be updated at any time. Violators risk immediate confiscation of their show badge without refund and removal from the premises. Violators will not be allowed re-entry.
Any violations of the stated above will be reviewed and will result in revocation of attendance privileges for future conferences.
Frequently Asked Questions

September 3-5, 2024
Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego

Contact Us
Please direct any inquiries to:
Amber Rogalski
Conference & Events Director
(916) 646-5999